"What got you here won't get you there" is one of my favorite quotes by Emmanuel Gobillot, international business consultant, speaker, and author of Leadershift: Reinventing Leadership in an Age of Mass Collaboration.
Which raises the big question: Is leadership fundamentally changing? What does it mean to lead in an era of constant and rapid change and turbulence?
That has been the focus of our Business Learning Institute for the past few years and a focus of our townhall / PIU meetings with our members during the past year.
One thing all CPAs seem to agree on is that things have fundamentally changed, change and turbulence seem to be our new reality, and leadership is changing.
We recently were asked to articulate our thoughts on how leadership is changing in the latest special CPA edition of the Baltimore Business Journal.
Here are some of the articles by our Business Learning Institute thought leaders:
We start with "New skills for a rapidly changing world" to set up the conversation and expand on it with our thought leaders and BLI partners.
For more thought-provoking conversations about leadership, see our Business Learning Blog and follow us on Twitter (www.twitter.com/bizlearn).
What do you think? Is leadership changing and how?
If you are interested in having these thought leaders come to your organization, contact Pam Devine at the Business Learning Institute (pam@bizlearning.net). For a catalog of our programs, click here.