Why wait for New Year's? Let's get a jump on 2009 by crunching a few early numbers:
- 2009 inflation adjustments: "Personal exemptions and standard deductions will rise and tax brackets will widen because of inflation adjustments," the IRS has announced. Get complete details here.
- SSA benefits: Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits will increase by 5.8 percent in 2009. According to the Social Security Administration, the increase is the largest since 1982. Get details here.
- 2009 pension plan limitations: The IRS has announced cost-of-living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations for pension plans and other items for tax year 2009. "Many of the pension plan limitations will change for 2009 because the increase in the cost-of-living index met the statutory thresholds that trigger their adjustment," the IRS states. "However, for others, the limitation will remain unchanged." Get details here.
Let the countdown begin ...