Financial Planning | Leadership / Management

Five questions you must ask NOW!

Questions When will we return to normal? Or are we experiencing a new normal?

We have been asking these questions for awhile here at CPA Success. We aren't finding many answers -- just  more great questions that we think you should be asking now.

We found these thought-provoking questions in a report titled, Planning for growth: Embracing the new "normal" from Ernst & Young:

  1. How far has your business accepted that "business as usual" is no longer an option?
  2. How are you dealing with the shift of power to new economic giants such as China (or facing the new global reality)?
  3. Are you prepared for increasing regulation in your sector?
  4. Do you have a strategy for national or international growth through acquisition?
  5. What are your plans to reduce costs and increase efficiency?

The report says a startling number of companies surveyed said business will not be returning to normal, and that this crisis has fundamentally re-shaped business as we know it.

What do you think? Has business fundamentally changed? If so, how do you see it?