19 killer additions to your summer reading list
Alright! Vacation's in three weeks and Amazon just delivered my summer reading selections. This year, I'm reading Made to Stick, Seeing David in the Stone and We Are Smarter Than Me (and maybe The Four-Hour Workweek if I have an extra ... well, four hours).
Ordering those books got me thinking: What are you reading this summer? I posted that question on LinkedIn and got some great responses. Here are some of the best:
- Personality Not Included, by Rohit Bhargava ("a fun new book about the secret to making your organization more authentic)
- Johnny Bunko, by Dan Pink ("America’s first business book in the Japanese comic format known as manga – and the last career guide you’ll ever need")
- Groundswell, by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff ("winning in a world transformed by social technologies")
- Meatball Sundae, by Seth Godin ("14 trends that are changing our world and how organizations can either embrace them or be punished by them")
- Here Comes Everybody, by Clay Shirky ("what happens when people are given the tools to do things together, without needing traditional organizational structures")
- We-Think: The Power of Mass Creativity, by Charles Leadbeater ("explores how the Web is changing our world, creating a culture in which more people than ever can participate, share and collaborate, ideas and information")
- Kaizen and the Art of Creative Thinking, by Shigeo Shingo and Jeffrey K. Liker ("how to improve the overall process of production")
- Toyota Talent, by Jeffrey Liker and David Meier ("walks you through the rigorous methodology used by this global powerhouse to grow high-performing individuals from within")
- The Back of the Napkin, by Dan Roam ("A bold new way to tackle tough business problems — even if you draw like a second-grader")
- Mass Career Customization, by Cathy Benko Anne C. Weisberg ("provides a refreshing answer to attracting talent and strengthening leadership pipelines while providing more varied and paced career journeys")
- My Reality Check Bounced, by Jason Ryan Dorsey ("the Gen Y guide to cashing in on your real-world dreams")
- The 8th Habit, by Stephen Covey ("a roadmap to help you find daily fulfillment and excitement")
- Don't Just Do Something, Stand There, by Marv Weisbord and Sandra Janoff ("10 principles for leading meetings that matter")
- Getting from College to Career, by Lindey Pollak ("90 things to do before you join the real world")
- Fired Up or Burned Out, by Michael Lee Stallard ("the three keys that can empower a leader to transform even a lethargic, disconnected organization into an impassioned, innovative and thriving workplace")
What'd we miss? Let us know what else you're reading this summer.