How to find the ‘best and brightest’

Recruiting accounting graduates and student interns can be more art than science. A group of educators is trying to help take more of the guesswork out of the college recruiting process with a new survey designed to see if there is a common framework of skills employers are looking for. 


What are the most important "soft skills" you want accounting graduates to have? What are the key "soft skills" you are looking for in new hires? What if you could get an assessment of these skills along with the GPA as another attribute to evaluate when you are recruiting students to your organization?


That is the purpose of a very brief survey being sponsored by Pearson - Prentice-Hall publishers and Dr. Steve Hornik of University of Central Florida.


Please complete this very brief survey (less than five minutes) before Jan. 28. We will post the results here on CPA Success when they are reported.


Here are some key skills to get you thinking:

  1. Ability to work in a team environment
  2. Leadership
  3. Critical thinking
  4. Problem solving
  5. Communication (written and verbal)
  6. Time management