CITP credential gets a facelift

Citp Saturdays at CPA Success are usually spent reviewing online tools that can help increase our productivity. Keep in mind that we do not endorse any of these services. We simply offer them up for your consideration. Do your own homework and find the service that best meets your needs.

I'm a little late to the party with this one, but it's still worth noting that the AICPA has revised its Certified Information Technology Professional, or CITP, credential.

Here's the scoop from the AICPA:

The revised credential will concentrate on information technology expertise relating to audit and attest services and financial data components, analysis and reporting. The holder of the revised credential represents a CPA who provides assurance to financial information or insight to business data, process or reporting.

Get more details about the revisions here or on the CITP Web site.


Bill Sheridan