Legislative & Regulatory

Victim or Participant? We need you at CPA Day!

What's missing from this photo?


"From then on, they are no longer isolated men, but a power one sees from afar, whose actions serve as an example; a power that speaks, and to which one listens."

- Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America


The old adage that there is strength in numbers is especially true in politics and this year more than ever as 36% of our 188 legislators in Annapolis are brand new and not familiar with CPAs and our Profession. That is why we need you to join us as we line these steps this Thursday!

CPA Day is this Thursday, January 24th, 2019 in Annapolis starting at 7:30am. Register here

You will also get to meet our CPAs serving Maryland citizens in the legislature:

Senator Brian Feldman, CPA (D - Dist 15) - Vice Chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

Senator Arthur Ellis, CPA (D - Dist 28) - Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs (EHEA).

Delegate William Wivell , CPA (R - Dist 2A) - House Environment & Transportation Committee .

And our special guest will be Lt. Governor Boyd K. Rutherford will address us when we return from our Hill visits at 10:15am.


Here is our anticipated agenda for 2019:


1. Pass CPA Firm License Mobility - this also helps minimize the deregulatory risk issue

House Economic Matters - Sponsor Del. Lorig Charkoudian (D - Dist 20) Montgomery County Senate EHEA - Sponsor Senator Arthur Ellis, CPA (D - Dist 28) Charles County


  1. Stop Sales Tax on Professional Services - High Risk
  2. Minimize the impact of complex tax issues (TCJA / Wayfair Impact)
  3. Stop Liability Risk - Comparative Fault - High Risk
  4. Stop State Deregulatory Risk - State Board & CPA License - New
  5. Stop excessive Data Protection and Privacy Legislation - New
  6. Stop onerous employment issues and laws (NDAs and Non-Competes)

Did you know that we expect more than 3,200 bills in this 90-day session?

By joining us at CPA day you will help us continue to be "a power one sees from afar, whose actions serve as an example; a power that speaks, and to which one listens." as a member of the Maryland Association of CPAs!

And I would ask, if not you, who will help us protect the CPA License you worked so hard to achieve?

and if not now, when will you make time to protect the future of our Profession?

Please join the several hundred CPAs who have helped us over the years at CPA Day in Annapolis.

Follow us along on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn #CPADay and show you're #MarylandCPAproud!

And follow our advocacy updates by subscribing to our blog and adding this link to your favorites https://www.macpa.org/category/legislative-and-regulatory/






Tom Hood