I don’t know about you, but I like a quiet New Year. I enjoy reflecting on the year past and thinking about what the new year might hold, if only I could resolve to do a variety of things. Most of those things are typical.
But this year, as the midnight hour was approaching, I was falling asleep thinking about how I might really get out of my comfort zone this year. Yes, it would be scary, but I also know I have colleagues, friends and, of course, family who would support me in the journey.
Then the call from my daughter came. At 10 p.m. Way past my bedtime.
“Mom, get Dad! We need help! The donkeys got out of the farmer’s field and they are in the street. No, wait … now they are running down our driveway!”
Yes, she said “donkeys,” and yes, those donkeys were on the loose.
They were running, and fast, in perfect synchronization. All three of our “neighbors” decided to get out of their comfort zone, maybe looking to see if the grass really was greener? Within minutes we were all chasing, calling, and tempting them with carrots and apples while the farmer stood at the open gate, waving them home ... eventually.
It was a harrowing and hysterical scene, but it made me think.
How will you get out of your comfort zone? Maybe fear could be a driver and not an inhibitor. It turns out we think the donkeys ran away because they were freaked out by New Year’s fireworks another neighbor was setting off.
Who will walk (or run) beside you, to keep you moving in the right direction? The three hee-hawing amigos next door stayed close to each other. All for one and one for all!
What could be really fun about stepping out or stepping up? Don’t dwell on the risk. Rather, focus on the reward, or just the joy of trying. I’m pretty sure the donkeys were laughing — maybe at us.
Happy New Year!