Leadership / Management

MACPA members take high-profile leadership posts


When it comes to accounting and finance leadership, Maryland is seemingly No. 1 with a bullet.

Just one year after Kimberly Ellison-Taylor ended her back-to-back stints as chair of the American Institute of CPAs and the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, Marylanders are climbing back up the profession’s leadership charts in a variety of impactful roles.

Maryland State Board of Public Accountancy The profession’s voice in Maryland has become significantly louder thanks to the appointment of two MACPA members to the State Board of Public Accountancy.

Barrett Young III, CPA, an accounting manager with Garbelman Winslow CPAs, and Jan Williams, CPA, Ph.D., an associate professor of accounting at the University of Baltimore, were appointed to three-year terms to the State Board in July by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan.

The State Board’s mission is to “establish educational and professional standards of competence and conduct of (CPAs) in providing financial services for Maryland businesses and citizens.” The Board does this “through a framework of examination, licensure, continuing education, accounting standards, investigation of consumer complaints, and enforcement of state law and regulations.”

“As a college educator, I take pride in preparing the next generation of CPAs for the profession,” said Williams. “My role on the Board, as the education member, provides another opportunity to ensure the standards and competencies of our profession. I look forward to working with the accomplished board members, the MACPA, and the public to make a positive difference for all Marylanders.”

“I’m thrilled to be appointed to the Maryland State Board now, as we have so many changes and challenges facing this profession,” Young added. “I hope to do my part over my three-year term to ensure this profession, and specifically this state, is attracting the best talent we can to ensure a future in Maryland for CPAs for another one hundred years.”

AICPA Private Companies Practice Section Lexy Kessler, CPA, CGMA, partner-in-charge of Aronson’s Government Contract Services Group, has been named chair of the AICPA’s Private Companies Practice Section, which supports CPA firms in the everyday intricacies of running a practice. “The PCPS partners with firms of all sizes,” the AICPS states, “creating targeted and customizable practice management resources and networking opportunities, and is a strong, collective voice within the CPA profession.”

I’m working on scheduling a podcast interview with Lexy sometime in the near future. Stay tuned …

Best in Finance: CFO Awards The Baltimore Business Journal’s Best in Finance: CFO Awards recognize CFOs or top financial managers at local companies who “have demonstrated financial growth during 2017 and early 2018; have demonstrated commitment to the company’s financial best practices and accounting standards; have been successful in overcoming a significant business challenge or barrier; have had exemplary team leadership and superior management; and have made contributions to the community.”

We are very proud to announce that among this year’s honorees is MACPA member and Vice Chair Avonette Blanding, CPA, CFO for Maritime Applied Physics Corporation in Baltimore.

Association of International Certified Public Accountants Anoop Mehta, CPA, president of Science Systems and Applications in Lanham, Md., and a former chair of the MACPA’s Board of Directors, has been named a director with the Association of International Certified Public Accountants.

Maryland Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Program Jeff Lawson, CPA, a shareholder with Stoy, Malone and Company, has been named to a new advisory work group tasked with helping to plan and implement Maryland’s new “easy enrollment” program for state tax filers by the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange.


Bill Sheridan