Maryland needs election judges — and CPAs can get CPE for their service
Can CPAs save the election?
I wouldn't go that far, but they can certainly help keep the election machinery running smoothly — especially in Maryland, which as recently as late summer faced a troubling shortage of election judges.
After hearing of the shortage, the Maryland Association of CPAs began to actively encourage its members to consider taking an active role and volunteer as election judges. And who's better equipped to fill that role than a CPA? As trusted and skilled professionals, CPAs offer an important public service and can help ensure independence and fairness.
Many MACPA members heeded the call to action, and according to a recent report, Maryland has recruited enough election judges to staff voting centers on Election Day, though a search for backup judges continues.
Now, the Maryland Board of Public Accountancy is stepping forward to sweeten the deal for the state's CPAs.
At its Oct. 6 meeting, the State Board unanimously approved the MACPA's request that Maryland CPAs be given CPE credit for serving as election judge in the 2020 General Election.
To receive 4 hours of CPE, CPAs must complete a course of training to become an election judge. CPAs should make arrangements with their county Board of Elections to obtain confirmation that they have completed the training course.