Legislative & Regulatory

Special session finishes up; redistricting is finalized

GeneralAssemblyGoodbye, special session. That was the title of a post by Baltimore Sun blogger Annie Linskey.

Why am I relieved?

As Mark Twain was credited with saying, "No man's life, liberty, or happiness are safe when the legislature is in session." When the governor announed this special session, I had flashbacks to the special session in 1997 when more than 700 bills poured in over two weeks. Remember sales tax on services?

My nightmare would not be repeated this time. The General Assembly stayed focused on redistricting despite attempts by some legislators to take advantage of the "assembly" to introduce lots of tax and other bills (more than 50, I heard). Ultimately, these were held in the rules committee and did not make it to the committees or onto the floor. The redistricting plan was signed into law by Gov. O'Malley and the special session adjourned.

Here is the Maryland Chamber of Commerce report from CEO Kathy Snyder.

So, I add my sentiments to Annie's: Goodbye, special session, goodbye.

Now we turn our attention to the 430th session of the Maryland General Assembly that will begin on Jan. 11, 2012 and meet for 90 days.

CPA Day in Annapolis is scheduled for Jan. 18, 2012. Get details and register here.