Stunning Maryland primary results leave CPAs with lots of legislative work ahead

Our profession’s work on the Maryland legislative front just got a whole lot more interesting.
The June 26 Democratic primaries produced some eye-opening results:
What does all of that mean for you?
For starters, it makes the 2019 edition of CPA Day in Annapolis so much more crucial for our profession.
The MACPA had worked diligently with each of these vanquished incumbents in the past. Now, we’ll have to build new relationships and educate these new legislators on issues that impact our profession.
That will take time, and effort, and help from all of you.
Mark your calendars for Jan. 24, and join us for CPA Day in Annapolis. That will be our opportunity to roll up our sleeves, build important new relationships, and do a little teaching in the process.
From our profession’s point of view, and from yours as well, nothing could be more important.
And remember this: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.
Let’s get to work.