Leadership / Management

Bringing recruitment into focus


Photo by olexion58

We've talked a lot recently about innovative ideas for recruiting college graduates, and with good reason: In today's competitive job market, getting a leg up on the competition is more important than ever.

One of the more creative recruitment initiatives we've heard about lately comes from Aronson & Company. It's called the "Show Us Your Future" video contest, in which entrants are asked to submit video journals that explain where they see themselves after graduation. The videos will be posted on YouTube and streamed to www.ShowUsYourFuture.com, where the public can watch, rate and comment on the videos. The winner will receive a "student-to-professional makeover" worth about $2,500.

More important, Aronson will have made important connections with young accounting professionals.

"Not only does (the contest) give us a creative platform for reaching students and prospective employees," said Aronson Managing Officer Lisa Cines, "but it also gives them a platform to show us what is important to them … to be heard."

What creative outlets are you using to connect with young professionals?


Bill Sheridan