
7216: This tax season, it’s the loneliest number

7216 Who has questions about Section 7216?

Take a number. This addition to the Internal Revenue Code -- which, according to the AICPA, "generally prohibits the disclosure or use of tax return information without the client’s explicit, written consent" -- has been causing confusion among tax preparers for some time now.

Luckily, help is available.

We outlined some helpful Section 7216 resources in an earlier post about 2009's legislative priorities. Since then, more resources have surfaced, courtesy of the intrepid folks at the American Institute of CPAs. So we thought we'd compile all of our Section 7216 resources into one, comprehensive post.

Of course, further guidance could quickly render this post obsolete. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

For now, here's what we know about Section 7216. Study up.

What's the biggest obstacle you've encountered so far this tax season?


Bill Sheridan