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#ThankYou Kimberly


As the season of gifts is upon us, I’ve been thinking with much gratitude about the personal and professional experiences I’ve benefited from this year.  So many things. But one stands out as a model of sacrificial giving that makes me proud to be associated with this profession, #MarylandProud

This year Kimberly Ellison-Taylor finished an era of extraordinary leadership that started in Maryland a dozen years ago when she answered an MACPA email asking for volunteers to help us review our governance structure. The goal was to make the association more valuable and relevant to members in the future.  She and I had never met, but the passion she immediately brought to this work was startling. I came to learn quickly that it is what Kimberly brings to all of her work, paid and unpaid. Just this month, she spent a day with MACPA’s staff and volunteer leadership, adding more unique insights into keeping our members #FutureReady.

Her story is incredible and inspirational.  We couldn’t have been more proud to see Kimberley take her engaging leadership to the profession nationally as Chair of the American Institute of CPAs and this year finish her term as Chair of Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. Our CEO Tom Hood recently caught up with her (not easy to do!) to reflect on all those experiences. #ProudtobeaCPA

Kimberly has been a personal cheerleader to me and now does the same for people all over the world. Her work and the legacy she creates every day continues, one selfie picture at a time. She is an amazing voice for the CPA profession, in so many ways. If you’d like to make a gift in her honor, MACPA set up a scholarship fund, recognizing her passion for developing people and the profession. We welcome contributions from anyone who, like me, has also been #Inspired

I can’t wait to see what she does next and thank you, Kimberly Ellison-Taylor. #OurKET


Jackie Brown