Want a job, students? Study accounting

InterviewConsidering the evidence that's been piling up lately, it's a wonder that every college student isn't trying to become a CPA.

The latest comes from this Washington Post article by Kim Hart, who reports that talented accounting majors pretty much have their pick of jobs by the time they graduate. Consider this paragraph from the article:

"(Firms) are so crunched for workers that they've become really aggressive in their recruiting," said Lindsay Terry, who works in the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. "Students are getting serious internships by the time they're sophomores. The top seniors have had jobs lined up for years -- and that's after deciding between 12 offers."

And students aren't waiting until college to dive into the accounting pool. More and more high school students are getting a head start on their accounting careers by taking part in programs like the one held recently at Watkins, Meegan, Drury & Company, LLC. The firm invited 18 juniors and seniors from Huntingtown High School to its Annapolis office to spend a day getting exposure to real-world opportunities in the accounting business. Read more about that unique program here.

So tell us, firms: How aggressive do you have to be these days to land top accounting talent?


Bill Sheridan