Ricka Neuman Receives Chair’s Exemplary Service Award at Chesapeake Tax Conference

[caption id="attachment_582924" align="alignright" width="533"] Ricka Neuman, CPA recieves MACPA Chair Award for Exemplary Service from MACPA CEO, Tom Hood, CPA[/caption]
Earlier this week we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of our Chesapeake Tax Conference at Martin's West. Over 200 CPAs gathered to get the latest on the federal and state tax laws the day after they completed the individual tax extensions from last year!
This conference is a reminder of how our members came together to learn, share and collaborate to keep CPAs in Maryland at the top of their tax game. The list of volunteers on this committee that goes back to 1969 and looks like the who's who in MACPA Leadership as many went on to become leaders of our Association. Past Chairs