Fourth Maryland CPA wins national recognition for innovation

I had a chance to spend some time with Maryland CPA, Javier Goldin of the Goldin Group CPAs. He was at our #CPASummit in December and then at #DCPA19 in Seattle where he was offically recognized for his innovation in applying technology to his Outsourced Accounting (OAS/CAS) and Virtual CFO Services. As the 2019 Innovative Practioner of the Year. He joins the ranks of three other Maryland CPAs who were recognized for the same award in 2018, Samantha Bowling, CPA as the winner and two more Maryland CPAs as runners up, Rusty Davis and David Butler.
What is so cool about this is they were all recogmized for different 'innovations':
Then in New York a few weeks ago, at the AICPA Executive Roundtable, I got to hear Javier share his firm’s story with his three innovative values:
What I took away from this is innovation can come in many flavors and sizes and while most have a major technology component, it is the imagination of what can be done with the technology and the services to solve client needs that really matters.
Congratulations again Samantha, Javier, Rusty and David! #MarylandCPAProud
Here Samantha's story of implementing AI in Auditing (Mindbridge AI) at a small firm on this AICPA Podcast.