Podcasts in review: The MACPA's best of 2024

2024 was a year full of insightful conversations at the MACPA. As we bid farewell to 2024, let's take a quick look back at the year's most popular episodes of our "Future-Proof" podcast.
No. 1: Episode 208 — The science behind purpose, with Dr. Britt Andreatta
Dr. Andreatta, author of Wired to Become: The Brain Science of Finding Your Purpose, Creating Meaningful Work, and Achieving Your Potential, explores how our profession stands to gain from a renewed emphasis on the purpose behind our work. Listen here.
No. 2: Episode 211 — Talent's impact on internal controls, with Dr. Rebecca Hann
Dr. Hann, a University of Maryland accounting professor, explores her research into why companies that have weaknesses in financial reporting controls often are experiencing a shortage of skilled accounting personnel. Listen here.
No. 3: Episode 204 — Out-of-the-gate A.I. strategies, with Don Tomoff
Don Tomoff takes a closer look at why and how CPAs should begin to explore the potential incorporating artificial intelligence into their business strategies. Listen here.
No. 4: Episode 205 — A.I. strategy: Fire, ready, aim, with Pascal Finette
Pascall Finette joins me once again for a deep dive into the realm of A.I., seamlessly continuing our exploration from the previous episode featuring Don Tomoff on how CPAs can initiate their journey with A.I. Listen here.
No. 5: Episode 214 — Kitchen-table A.I. automations, with Ashley Francis
We dive back into the world of A.I. with Ashley Francis to uncover some practical ways this technology can take over tasks that are consuming too much of our time. Listen here.
No. 6: Episode 219 — Solving the talent puzzle, with Lexy Kessler
Former MACPA Chair Lexy Kessler, chair of the National Pipeline Advisory Group, joins me to examine the talent puzzle and discuss steps to secure the future of the accounting profession. Listen here.
No. 7: Episode 217 — Cutting ties with clients, with Robert Albertini
In this episode, I'm joined by Aon's Robert Albertini to tackle a challenging yet crucial topic: when and how to fire a client. Listen here.
No. 8: Episode 213 — Tech's impact on tax, with Andrew Hatfield
A decade ago, there were predictions that certain accounting jobs would be replaced by automation. Now, in the age of A.I., we're still here and thriving. This conversation focuses on how we can collaborate with technology to enhance our work and deliver greater value to clients. Listen here.
No. 9: Episode 207 — A.I.'s keys: Curiosity, Usefulness, with Jason Staats
We've had some great conversations recently about A.I. — what it means for our profession and how to integrate it into our work. In this episode, I talk to Jason Staats, who has been on the leading edge of A.I. and has a wealth of knowledge to share with CPAs about this new technology. Listen here.
No. 10: Episode 206 — Not another leadership book, with Emmanuel Gobillot
Emmanuel Gobillot, a leadership expert and old friend of the MACPA's, drops by to talk about the leadership lessons contained in his latest book, This is Not a Leadership Book: 20 Rules for Success. Listen here.