Future Ready | Leadership / Management | MACPA Events

Town hall takeaways: How to be a 'Radical CPA'

Jody Padar, the accounting and finance profession’s “Radical CPA” and one of its foremost visionaries and pioneers, led a conversation during the MACPA's monthly town hall meeting on Nov. 15 about how CPAs can move away from old-school mindsets and adopt exciting new ways of moving their businesses and careers forward. If you missed the meeting, here are three key takeaways:

  • What was “radical” a decade ago is run-of-the-mill now. Today, being radical is about pushing forward and understanding what’s coming next. It’s about not just experimenting with new technologies like A.I. or new strategies like value pricing — it’s about anticipating what’s next and getting there early.

  • Being a “Radical CPA” starts with putting aside our busy work and taking a closer look at what’s happening outside our profession. From there, it’s about being curious, exploring and trying new things, and evolving with the rest of the world.

  • More and more A.I.- and tech-based solutions are emerging to help take CPA services to the next level. Jody is particularly excited about AP solutions like MakersHub (https://makershub.ai/); tax solutions like TruePrep.ai (https://www.trueprep.ai/); and TaxGlobal (https://www.taxglobal.com/), which matches individuals and businesses with CPAs and firms that can best meet their needs.

Learn more here
If you'd like to watch the November town hall meeting in its entirety, it will be replayed at 9 a.m. ET on Dec. 6. Get details and register here.


Bill Sheridan