Podcast: Tech's impact on tax

A decade ago, there were predictions that certain accounting jobs would be replaced by automation. Now, in the age of A.I., the conversation is less about which jobs are going to be automated by technology and more about how we ought to be working with technology to make our jobs easier and more valuable.
To delve into this topic, I spoke with Andrew Hatfield, co-founder and chief growth officer at SafeSend, a long-time partner with the MACPA. He and his team have released a paper titled "Top 7 Predictions for Tax Automation in 2024." The paper talks about not only A.I., but also the need for firms to strengthen their tech stacks, it talks about the move from e-sign to e-file, the value-add of integrations and APIs, and what’s being called “single-pane-of-glass,” which is kind of a vision for a management console that presents data from multiple sources in a unified display — the glass in this case being a monitor or screen on a mobile device.
Andrew and I discussed how client expectations have evolved, and how the technologies and predictions in SafeSend's paper can improve relationships between firms and their clients, as well as the CPA's role in this transformation. Listen to our conversation in its entirety here: