Leadership / Management | Future Ready

What's your risk management IQ?


How much do you know about the risks that surround your staff and organization?

A new online quiz from our partners at Aon can help you test your knowledge in this critical area.

Harvard Business school defines risk management as "the systematic process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating threats or uncertainties that can affect your organization. It involves analyzing risks’ likelihood and impact, developing strategies to minimize harm, and monitoring measures’ effectiveness."

For CPAs, those risks can vary greatly. They can center on legal or financial uncertainty, technology-related threats, and security and data threats. They can involve accounting work or extend to human resources or people management areas of your business.

The folks at Aon have created a brief but informative online quiz to help CPAs assess their understanding of the risks involved in a number of common areas, including:

  • termination letters,
  • the risk of business failure from data breaches and cyber attacks,
  • employee lawsuits,
  • tail coverage, and
  • the cost of employee theft.

Take the quiz here, then visit Aon's website to learn more about the tools and resources that can help you better manage your business-related risks.


Bill Sheridan