New Webinar Description Form



CPE Measurement: Group Live and Group Internet-Based: MACPA calculates its program CPE credits based on the duration of the program measured in 50-minute CPE hours.


Please select the appropriate field of study from the NASBA listing: Accounting, Accounting (Governmental), Auditing, Auditing (Governmental), Business Law, Business Management & Organization, Communications and Marketing, Computer Software & Applications, Economics, Finance Behavioral Ethics, Information Technology, Management Services, Personal Development, Personnel/Human, Resources, Production, Regulatory Ethics, Specialized Knowledge, Statistics, Taxes. Please select all fields that apply. If you select more than 1 field of study, you must indicate how the CPE credits are to be applied.



Learning Objectives should clearly articulate the knowledge, skills and abilities that can be achieved by participants. The learning objectives should be worded to describe the "take-away's" and should NOT be worded in what the instructor or course author plans to tell the participant. Example: After completing this course, you will be able to: *Differentiate between the three basic levels in an organization *Associate each strategic plan with the appropriate organization level *Apply the strategic planning process to create a product marketing plan



The knowledge level is appropriate for the intended participants and allow participants to determine if the program is appropriate for the development needs. A course knowledge level of intermediate, advanced or update inherently has an experience or education prerequisite, which should be included in the Prerequisites field below.




Please give us a line or two about your organization and the service or resources you can provide to our members.





One simulcast or broadcast of the presentation offered at no charge to MACPA members. MACPA reserves the right to offer with a registration fee if desired.
Advertised on MACPA website (on Complementary CPE page and in online CPE Catalog/Calendar), advertised in MACPA weekly upcoming CPE promotional email (goes out to nearly 20,000 people weekly), advertised in MACPA, weekly E-newsletter that’s sent out to all MACPA members (the event would be added under a "From our Partners" section), advertised in quarterly printed MACPA CPE Source (dependent on date of receipt of complete course information). MACPA encourages that your organization utilizes your social media channels to promote the webinar (social channels may include LinkedIn and Twitter). Once submitted to the MACPA sponsorship team, we can assist in amplifying through our social channels