Ethics is always complicated. Enhancing your ethical decision-making skills is vital when dealing with omnipresent pressures in today's world. This seminar discusses a clear and easy-to-follow framework for navigating complex ethical dilemmas. You will gain the confidence to make sound ethical decisions in various professional settings using a practical and straightforward approach to ethics. Maintain your integrity and maintain your license. Ethics is not something to merely satisfy requirements; ethics is who we are, what we stand for, and why we are valuable.
Learning Objectives
After attending this presentation, you will be able to...
- Evaluate ethical dilemmas using proven frameworks.
- Apply ethical decision-making models to real-world scenarios.
- Analyze consequences and stakeholders' perspectives in ethical conflicts.
- Display effective communication in resolving ethical challenges.
- Develop a personal ethical code to guide professional conduct.
Major Topics
The major topics that will be covered in this course include:
- Ethics and moral principles.
- Identifying ethical dilemmas.
- Analyzing consequences and the impact on stakeholders.
- Applying ethical decision-making models.
- Effectively using the Code of Professional Conduct.
- Managing ethical conflicts and resolutions.