Do you ever wonder why you pay so much tax when you rent cars at airports? In 2005, the rental car industry faced unprecedented state legislation (47 bills in 40 states) when they stopped supporting their State Associations. Almost overnight state legislatures saw a way to raise revenue by taxing an industry no longer actively represented. This resulted in astronomical taxes still in effect today at rental car centers around the US.
Will we be victims of unintended consequences of bad legisaltion or reactive to the changes in the legislative/regulatory environment for CPAs?
No! We choose to be proactive PARTICIPANTS in the legislative process and we need your help.
The Maryland General Assembly will convene its 437th meeting on January 11th, 2017 where 188 legislators (47 Senators and 141 Delegates) will hear more than 2,600 pieces of legislation over the 90-day session.
How many of those bills will impact CPAs, businesses, and clients? Over one hundred based on our past experience.
We have been working on our agenda since the last session ended and have worked with grassroots members through town hall meetings, Managing Partners of Maryland CPA Firms, our Legislative Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Trustees of our CPA Committee for Political Action.
Our 2017 State Legislative agenda:
Offense (support)
- Appeal Bond Reform - Small Caps (Firm liability)?
- Support Taxpayer Protection Act - Comptroller’s Bill with amendments from MACPA
s State Tax Committee
Defense (oppose)
- Stop Sales Taxes on Services
- Stop Comparative Fault (overturning Contributory Negligence)
Stop legislation to nullify NDAs and Non-Compete agreements
- Stop legislation to enact onerous mandatory leave requirements
- Monitor 2,600+ active bills in MD Legislature for CPA issues and unintended consequences
The cornerstone of our advocacy efforts starts with CPA Day in Annapolis scheduled for January 26th, 2017 at the Governor Calvert House in Annapolis.
Registration is FREE and includes 2 hours of FREE CPE (click here).
Victim or Participant?
So will we be victims of unintended consequences in well intended legislation or reactive to the changes in the regulatory environment for CPAs?
We choose active PARTICIPANT and proactive actions to establish and maintain the best legislative/regulatory environment for CPAs. Advocacy is consistently ranked as the number one service members value and one we take very seriously since we passed the CPA Law in 1900. CPA day is the way we show our strength and mobile our grassroots. A frenchman traveling the United States shorty after the revolution captured the power of 'associating' and advocating well when he wrote,
"From then on, they are no longer isolated men, but a power one sees from afar, whose actions serve as an example; a power that speaks, and to which one listens."
- Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America
Will you help us make a difference and ensure our voices are heard?
Sign up for CPA day and join us!
Here is a recap from our work during last year's Legislative Session (2016) and you can follow our advocacy efforts here on MACPA's CPA Success blog.