Which states have extended their tax filing deadlines?

Now that the IRS has extended the individual tax filing and payment deadline to May 17, a number of other states have followed suit and extended their deadlines as well.
Below is a list of extended state tax filing deadlines. This list will be updated as new extensions are announced.
State Deadline
Alabama May 17
Alaska No state income tax
Arizona April 15 (May 17 pending)
Arkansas May 17
California May 17
Colorado May 17
Connecticut May 17
Delaware May 17
Florida No state income tax
Georgia May 17
Hawaii No changes announced
Idaho May 17
Illinois May 17
Indiana May 17
Iowa June 1
Kansas May 17
Kentucky May 17
Louisiana June 15
Maine May 17
Maryland July 15
Massachusetts May 17
Michigan May 17
Minnesota May 17
Mississippi May 17
Missouri May 17
Montana May 17
Nebraska May 17
Nevada No state income tax
New Hampshire No state income tax
New Jersey May 17
New Mexico May 17
New York May 17
North Carolina May 17
North Dakota May 17
Ohio May 17
Oklahoma June 15
Oregon May 17
Pennsylvania May 17
Rhode Island May 17
South Carolina May 17
South Dakota No state income tax
Tennessee May 17
Texas No state income tax
Utah May 17
Vermont May 17
Virginia May 17
Washington No state income tax
Washington D.C. May 17
West Virginia May 17
Wisconsin May 17
Wyoming No state income tax