Featured courses available on demand

All-access training,

All the time.

Move your career and organization forward with specialized,
online CPE courses.

Featured Products

Our products provide access to training 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The MACPA partners with BLI to bring you a variety of course topics and options. Continue your education and start building success today.

CPE. Anytime. Anywhere.

MACPA products expand your industry knowledge, moving your career forward.

We offer courses with engaging and up-to-date content, allowing you to gain credits and strive toward certification. Continue your professional education in your own time with a range of courses available here.

All courses in our e-learning library are also available for groups to add to their own learning management systems. Contact our designated BLI consultant to learn more.

pam@blionline.org | 888-481-3500

MACPA Featured Events

Our competency-based programs are developed by leading subject matter experts, proven in their fields. Learn at your own pace with self-study courses for an engaging and effective experience.