Bing strong out of the gates. Will it last?


Saturdays at CPA Success are usually spent reviewing online tools that can help increase our productivity. Keep in mind that we do not endorse any of these services. We simply offer them up for your consideration. Do your own homework and find the service that best meets your needs.

Well, that didn't take long.

Bing, Microsoft's entry into the search-engine wars, went prime time this week, and within days it was firing shots over Google's bow.

In fact, ReadWriteWeb is reporting that in less than a week, Bing overtook Yahoo Search for the No. 2 spot in search traffic, behind -- who else? -- Google.

What's really interesting is that, according to ReadWriteWeb, most of Bing's share of the market has come directly from Google. Since Bing's release, traffic to Yahoo and AOL has remained steady, while Google's traffic is down almost 6 percent.

Don't get your death-to-Google shorts all in a bunch just yet, though. A good deal of Bing's traffic undoubtedly is due to opening-week curiosity. And, oh yeah -- Google still dominated the stats with nearly 72 percent of the market.

Still, I couldn't help but notice that Bing sent more than a few visitors to CPA Success this week. And after trying it out myself, I have to say I'm impressed. Bing's results are awfully ... well, Google-like.

Will that ultimately be Bing's downfall? Time will tell.


Bill Sheridan