Tom Peters on social media: It’s a relationship economy, stupid!
At least that is how I would sum up last night's Sweets & Tweets event hosted by social media guru Debbie Weil at the famous cupcake store Baked and Wired in Georgetown. (Pictured at right is our MACPA / BLI team in attendance -- Pam Devine, Terri Smith, Tom Peters, Tom Hood and Skip Falatko.)
Here are a few of my favorite quotes:
- "I never thought I'd tweet! I write 900-page books."
- "The four most important words in your organization: What do you think?"
- "Simplify!"
- On Web 2.0 and social media: Don't get caught up in the technology. Remember the idea behind them -- connections!
- It's not IQ that counts, it's seeing interesting stuff. (I would add that social media sites like Twitter and blogs can really help you see lots of new "stuff" and people and perspectives.)
- "The way to develop a great business is face-to-face." Social media helps but will never replace in-person.
- "You are last and dead if you wait until you figure out where this is going," in reference to social media.
- When asked what is he wrestling with, Peters offered this: Customers matter, people matter and just do something. Stop overcomplicating things.
Sounds like the essence of his latest book, The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence. I have it and think of it as a constant reference for inspiration and rejuvenation.
For another recap, check out John Taylor's post and interview with Tom and Debbie.
Also check out the hashtags from attendees here.
And if you want our staff perspective from hearing Tom 10 years ago at the Tom Peters Seminar, read their writeup, Standing Out in the Storm.
Thanks, Debbie, for setting it up, and thanks, Tom, for hanging around for photos and to chat.