Rebecca Sheppard, Esq. is a tax attorney and a Partner in the Special Credits practice group at Frost Law. Over the last two years, Rebecca has used her background in government practice to work with business clients across the country in helping them secure government funding from PPP, EIDL, and the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). Unlike many other tax professionals, Rebecca has used her tax and legal background to closely follow the legislative changes and relief programs, giving her a thorough understanding of the complexities of how businesses from all industries can maximize their claims for refundable tax credits. Her efforts have allowed her to recover significant refunds for many small and medium-sized businesses around the country.
Rebecca previously worked for the Comptroller of Maryland as a tax attorney in the Hearings and Appeals Section. She conducted administrative hearings, issued binding legal determinations, and negotiated settlement agreements on behalf of the Comptroller of Maryland. Rebecca’s experience both in government and private practice allows her to effectively navigate how businesses can best make tax law work in their favor.
This course will discuss the overlap between tax and bankruptcy, specifically seeks to provide guidance on how to deal with taxing authorities and explores tax alternatives including bankruptcy.
Some prior experience in tax
Anyone looking to help clients overcome tax liabilities