Join us for our May Forensic Valuation Study Group with, Janae Castell, CVA, MAFF from Rabah Value Advisors. Janae will be discussing Case Law Update.
Janae Castell, CVA, MAFF
Experienced Business Valuation Professional | Expert Witness | Consultant | Valued Financial Resource
My background encompasses years of experience conducting business valuations and financial analysis for purposes including startup & growth funding, SBA lending, traditional bank lending, gift, estate, and income tax compliance, commercial litigation, domestic legal proceedings, buy-sell agreements, ESOP compliance, succession planning, fair value for financial reporting, & M&A. In addition, I enjoy updating practitioners across the nation on the latest news, trends, best practices, and activity within the business valuation and financial forensics professions as a senior correspondent for the monthly "Around the World in 90 Minutes" publication. Specialties: Spanish, business valuation, litigation support, financial consulting, financial projections, valuation of intangibles, goodwill allocation
Rabah Value Advisors Managing Director May 2017 - Present (7 years 10 months)
NACVA Consultant 2014 - Present (11 years)
Woodrum, Tate & Associates Business Valuation Expert & Financial Expert Witness December 2012 - May 2017 (4 years 6 months)
Education Texas Christian University Finance, Spanish, Accounting, German · (2003 - 2007)