Tricia Katebini has spent her career in public accounting, specializing in the
nonprofit sector since 2007. As an audit partner, she is in charge of and
responsible for the planning and managing of financial statement audits and
Single Audits, when applicable. Ms. Katebini has served a range of nonprofit
clients including charities, foundations, private schools, and associations, and has
presented results to management and the board of directors. Ms. Katebini also
advises organizations on internal control best practices, as well as other
accounting and operational areas critical to the organization’s financial health.
A seasoned speaker on technical accounting and tax topics affecting
nonprofits, Ms. Katebini has presented at AICPA, MACPA, GWSCPA, and
other accounting and nonprofit industry conferences. She has built a strong
reputation for serving as a key advisor to nonprofit organizations in the
Greater Washington, D.C. and Baltimore areas. Her nonprofit audit experience
includes proficiency in technical accounting issues and the requirements of
Uniform Guidance. She also provides valued guidance to clients on new
accounting pronouncements.
In addition to audit and assurance, Ms. Katebini’s background also includes
knowledge of technical tax issues for nonprofit organizations including
unrelated business income and state nexus issues. Her work across a wide
range of accounting, tax, and compliance concerns allows Ms. Katebini to
bring clients a holistic view of their operations.
Ms. Katebini currently serves on the AICPA’s Joint Trial Board, a well-
respected position within the CPA community. She was also named a 2021
Woman to Watch and received the Maryland Association of CPAs’ 2022 Max
Teichmann Award. Ms. Katebini is a proud member of GRF’s Women on the
Move, the firm’s women’s leadership initiative.